The images and videos are representative. The products that will be delivered will be similar but not the same.
Grade: ABC The bundle contains the following brands: Ed Hardy
Ladies ED Hardy Cropped Hoodies and Flapper/Flare Trousers/Joggers.Brand new unused factory leftovers. Majority in A grade Condition, minimal pieces in B/C condition that too are in Grade A condition . Some pieces might not have the loops attached. Grade C pieces might have less than 1cm rips as shown in the pictures that are too stitched and made into Grade A. Some pieces have proper tags and care labels, rest have been deliberately cutoff/detached due to copyright issues as shown.
Mix designs Mix colors Mix sizes
50% Grade A/B 50% Grade C that too repaired and stiched to make it look Grade A.
Shipping & Customs
Shipping can take 20-27 working days based on your location. See details here. Express shipping is available for some regions, taking 14-21 days. You may have to pay customs on the arrival of items. Please see here for regional details.
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