The images and videos are representative. The products that will be delivered will be similar but not the same.
Grade: AB The bundle contains the following brands: Unbranded
Description: Sometimes exact pieces are not available since they get sold out during video hand picks. Open for bulk orders of this product. Prices of bulk orders are cheaper.
Bulk orders = more than 50 pcs.
## Exclusive Bundles for Resellers!
### Perfect for Your Website or Shop
**Grade:** A,B
**What You Get:** - A diverse selection of top-selling items in various categorize , sizes, and patterns. - Items as shown in the images and videos, plus many more in the listed categories.
**Why Choose Us:** - **Top-Selling Brands:** Featuring major, in-demand brands tailored to meet your resale needs. - **Great Prices:** Stock your inventory with high-demand products at unbeatable rates. - **Bulk Buying Options:** Direct Message us for bulk purchases or to explore more brand options. - **Video Selection:** Hand-picked selections for larger volumes, ensuring you get the best pieces.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to boost your inventory with high-demand products.
**Contact us today and take advantage of this exclusive offer!**
Shipping & Customs
Shipping can take 20-27 working days based on your location. See details here. Express shipping is available for some regions, taking 14-21 days. You may have to pay customs on the arrival of items. Please see here for regional details.
Fleek buyer protection
You can shop carefree. We will protect you in case of cancelled orders, severe delays, or product quality issues. Read more about how we got your back!
Fleek Credit
You could pay 0% today and the rest 30 days after delivery. Learn how you can qualify here!